当前位置:首页 > 新闻中心 > 产业政策 > 开普勒互动公布2022年营收,以及新的投资与发行合作伙伴关系




总部位于伦敦的发行商开普勒互动于2021年首次亮相,今日宣布2022年度营收达到 5000 万美元



伦敦(2023年3月17日)—— 开普勒互动于今日宣布2022年营收达到 5000 万美元,这是公司自 2021 年首次对外亮相以来的首个完整运营年。同时开普勒详细阐释了新的投资与发行伙伴关系,以及2023 年开始的新战略。

开普勒是第一家由游戏创作者共同拥有和经营的全球发行商,2022 年,这家公司见证了创始工作室 Ebb Software(《蔑视》)和 Sloclap(《师父》)的巨大成功。屡获殊荣的《师父》在发售第三周时全球销量超过了 100 万份,在本月登陆 Xbox 和 Steam 之前,其全球销量已经超过了 200 万份。




在 2022 年卓越表现的基础上,开普勒互动今天宣布了一系列新的合作关系,以推动其在新市场的进一步增长,并拓展其“开发者优先”的理念。

• 开普勒互动今天公布了对新加坡知名工作室 The Gentlebros 的投资,该工作室创作的《喵咪斗恶龙》系列游戏在 PC、游戏主机和手机上的销量超过一百万份。开普勒目前正在支持《喵咪斗恶龙》系列游戏的后续宣发工作,并在移动游戏领域积累经验。未来,开普勒还将支持 The Gentlebros 发布的新游戏。

• 此外,开普勒互动公司透露了与位于蒙彼利埃的 Sandfall Interactive 的全球发行合作关系,该公司是一家全新工作室,专注于在华丽的幻想世界中描绘精彩的故事。Sandfall 目前正在开发一款史诗般的单人叙事冒险游戏。

• 继《师父》和《蔑视》在中国市场的成功宣发后,开普勒互动将加深与中国营销和公关机构 IOI Gamer 的合作,该公司将为开普勒目前和未来的游戏提供宝贵的市场落地支持。




首先,开普勒于今日推出其白标(White-Label)发行服务,以行业领先的 15% 的基础分成比例,将公司内部一流的营销和发行人才资源提供给外部开发团队。这项服务使开发者在获得发行支持的同时,能够建立起自己的品牌和玩家社区。


• 《Eternights》,将由 Studio Sai 自主发行,开普勒发行团队提供幕后支持。

• Hadoque 未公布的首款游戏,该公司是由 El Huervo 领导的瑞典开发商,El Huervo 曾参与广受好评的《迈阿密热线》系列工作并因此扬名。

同时,开普勒今天还宣布了与九龙之夜(Kowloon Nights)的合作伙伴关系。作为一个广受赞誉的电子游戏基金,九龙之夜将在开普勒内部运营一个新部门,为世界各地更多杰出的开发者提供资金,并允许他们完全自由地创作游戏。该部门的第一个投资项目将是西雅图工作室 Aggro Crab 的新游戏项目,预计今年晚些时候开始开发。

首席执行官 Alexis Garavaryan 在谈及开普勒首年的运营表现时谈道:“我们创办开普勒的初衷是为杰出的团队提供最好的环境,助力他们茁壮成长。去年的结果验证了这一目标,并且超出了我们的预期。”

“展望 2023 年及未来,我们的使命是继续成长为一家世界领先的、由创作者共同拥有和经营的娱乐公司。在开普勒及其成员和合作伙伴之间,培育一个充满活力的生态系统,提供完全的艺术独立性、全面的运营支持,和优秀团队之间的广泛交流。过去的一年为我们打下了良好的基础,让我们可以为更广泛的工作室群体提供服务。”

开普勒互动的总部位于伦敦,目前在全球拥有超过 300 人的团队,获得英国权威认证的 Great Place to Work UK - Certified™。开普勒与其创始工作室合作的 2023 年发售名单包括备受期待的开放世界热带冒险游戏 《奇娅》,将于 2023 年 3 月 21 日登陆 PC( Epic 游戏商城)、PlayStation 4 和 PlayStation 5,以及开放世界动作角色扮演游戏《燧石枪:黎明之围》。

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开普勒互动 Twitter:https://twitter.com/Kepler_Interact 



Sandfall Interactive: https://www.sandfall.co/ 


开普勒互动是首个由创作者共同所有并经营的全球游戏发行商。公司成立于 2021 年,由九龙之夜的创始人领导,开普勒与创始工作室成员分享股份,使各工作室在战略决策中发挥领导作用 ,同时保障完全的艺术创作独立性。Ebb Software 的《蔑视》和 Sloclap 销量突破 200 万份并广受好评的《师父》于2022年成功推出,足以佐证开普勒的合作工作室不拘一格且才华横溢,其他工作室包括新西兰的 A44 Games(《Ashen》《燧石枪:黎明之围》)、加拿大的 Alpha Channel 和 Awaceb (《奇娅》),北美的 Timberline (《The Red Lantern》) 和亚洲的 Shapefarm。开普勒互动的总部位于伦敦。欲知详情,请访问 https://www.kepler-interactive.com/。






 London headquartered publisher Kepler Interactive today announces $50 million USD revenue in first full year following its 2021 launch


Company launches new suites of services, including a white-label publishing division and a video game fund

LONDON (March 17, 2023) – Kepler Interactive announced today that its first full year of operation following its 2021 launch has seen revenues exceed $50 million USD, whilst detailing a robust, strategic roadmap for 2023 and beyond with new investment and publishing partnerships.

Kepler is the first global publisher co-owned and run by creators and in 2022 it saw the hugely successful launches from founding studios Ebb Software (Scorn) and Sloclap (Sifu). The multi-award nominated Sifu sold more than 1 million copies in its first three weeks and has since surpassed 2 million global sales ahead of its arrival on Xbox and Steam later this month.

In addition to the strong $50m+ revenue in 2022, Kepler also saw significant cash generation, reaffirming the rationale for building a collective business model that harnesses the creativity and independence of its member studios.

Announcement of multiple new partnerships to drive further growth

Building upon its exceptional performance in 2022, Kepler Interactive today announces a series of new partnerships to drive further growth in new markets and to expand its range of developer-first offerings.

• Kepler Interactive today reveals investment in award-winning Singapore-based studio The Gentlebros, creators of the million-selling Cat Quest franchise across PC, consoles and mobile. Kepler is currently supporting on the Cat Quest back-catalogue and adding valuable expertise in the mobile gaming space. It will also partner with The Gentlebros on future releases.

• Additionally, Kepler Interactive revealed a global publishing partnership with Montpellier-based Sandfall Interactive, a new studio focused on delivering incredible stories in gorgeous fantasy worlds. Sandfall’s debut game, an epic single-player narrative-driven adventure, is currently in development.

• Following the successful launches of Sifu and Scorn in China, Kepler Interactive will deepen its partnership with China-based marketing and PR agency IOI Gamer, which provides valuable boots-on-the-ground support in the market for Kepler’s portfolio of current and future titles.

Launch of a new suite of services to diversify Kepler’s developer-first support offerings

Kepler Interactive is building on its creativity-first approach by launching a new suite of services for a curated set of games and studios.

Today, the company is unveiling a white-label publishing service offering Kepler’s in-house, best-in-class marketing and publishing talent at an industry-leading 15 percent base revenue share. The service empowers developers to remain self-published while building their own brand and community with support.

White-label projects are already underway, including:

• Eternights, set to be self-published by Studio Sai with behind-the-scenes support from the Kepler publishing team,

• The unannounced debut game from Hadoque, the Swedish developer helmed by El Huervo, the renowned artist known for their work on the critically-acclaimed Hotline Miami series.

Kepler Interactive is also today announcing a new partnership with Kowloon Nights. The revered video-game fund will now operate a new division within Kepler Interactive, funding even more exceptional developers across the world and empowering them to create games with complete creative freedom. The division's first funded project from Seattle-based Aggro Crab will start development later this year.

Commenting on Kepler’s first full year of operation, CEO Alexis Garavaryan said: “We started Kepler with the ambition to offer the best environment for exceptional teams to thrive. Last year’s results have validated this aspiration beyond our wildest expectations.”

“As we look forward to 2023 and beyond, our mission is to continue our growth into a leading entertainment company co-owned and run by creators. Nurturing a vibrant ecosystem around Kepler and beyond, offering total artistic independence, operational support, and cross-pollination between outstanding teams. This exceptional year set us on a trajectory where we can offer those services to a broader group of studios.”  

Headquartered in London, Kepler Interactive has grown to a team of over 300 across the world since its inception, becoming Great Place to Work UK - Certified™   by the global authority on workplace culture. Its slate of releases in partnership with its founding studios for 2023 includes the highly-anticipated open-world tropical adventure, Tchia, coming to PC (via the Epic Games Store), PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 5 on 21 March 2023, and the open-world action-RPG, Flintlock: The Siege of Dawn.

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Related Links:

Kepler Interactive: https://www.kepler-interactive.com/ 

Kepler Interactive Twitter: https://twitter.com/Kepler_Interact 

Kowloon Nights: https://www.kowloonnights.com/ 

Gentlebros: https://thegentlebros.com/ 

Sandfall Interactive: https://www.sandfall.co/ 

About Kepler Interactive:

Kepler Interactive is the first global publisher co-owned and run by creators. Launched in 2021 and led by the founders of Kowloon Nights, Kepler nurtures creativity through collaboration with each of its founding studio partners having a stake in the business and a leadership role in strategic decision-making, whilst retaining total artistic independence. Following the successful launches of Ebb Software’s, Scorn, and Sloclap’s two million selling and critically acclaimed, Sifu, Kepler’s studio partners are as varied as they are talented, including A44 Games (Ashen, Flintlock: The Siege of Dawn) in New Zealand, Alpha Channel and Awaceb (Tchia) in Canada, and Timberline (The Red Lantern) in North America and Shapefarm in Asia. Kepler Interactive is headquartered in London. Learn more at https://www.kepler-interactive.com/.
