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激战2捣蛋收藏成就攻略 万圣节收藏成就


  捣蛋(Tricks and Treats)收藏成就

(Old Pillowcase)

  预览代码: [&AgE3BwEA]

可以在TP购买(Old Pillowcase)(价格不贵2金不到),用以解锁该收藏成就。其他获取方法:完成疯王钟楼和开捣蛋包(Trick-or-Treat Bag)


  迷你宠物(Mini Candy Corn Ghoulemental pet)

物品 获取

#FormatImgID_5# 腐单

Rotten Egg

#FormatImgID_6# 捣蛋包

Trick or Treat Bags

Toliet Paper

#FormatImgID_7# 捣蛋包

Trick or Treat Bags

#FormatImgID_8# 苹果蜜饯

Candied Apple


1苹果,最近传送点 [&BOMAAAA=]

#FormatImgID_9# 1碗装玉米糖衣,(#FormatImgID_10# 罐装水*1、#FormatImgID_11# 袋装淀粉*1、#FormatImgID_12# 玉米糖块*5)

1 Apple (Apples can be brought from Apple Jack next to [&BOMAAAA=] in Gendarran Fields)
1 Bowl of Candy Corn Glaze (1 Jug of Water, 1 Bag of Starch, 5 Pieces of Candy Corn).

#FormatImgID_13# 碗装玉米糖奶冻

Bowl of Candy Corn Custard

#FormatImgID_14# 捣蛋包、或者

厨师(50):#FormatImgID_15# 瓶装奶油香油*1、#FormatImgID_16# 蛋*1、#FormatImgID_17# 香草豆*1、#FormatImgID_18# 玉米糖块*3

Trick or Treat Bags or
Chef (50): 1 Glass of Buttermilk, 1 Egg, 1 Vanilia Bean, 3 Pieces of Candy Corn.
Recipe purchased from Halloween vendor for 1 Candy Corn Cob

#FormatImgID_19# 玉米糖蛋糕

Candy Corn Cake


#FormatImgID_20# 碗装烘焙师干料*1、#FormatImgID_21# 碗装烘焙师湿料*1、#FormatImgID_22# 玉米糖块*5、#FormatImgID_23# 碗装玉米糖衣*1

Chef (75):
1 Bowl of Baker’s Dry Ingredients
1 Bowl of Baker’s Wet Ingredients
5 Pieces of Candy Corn
1 Bowl of Candy Corn Glaze

#FormatImgID_24# 草莓幽灵

Strawberry Ghost

#FormatImgID_25# 捣蛋包、或者

厨师125:#FormatImgID_26# 巧克力棒*1、#FormatImgID_27# 草莓*1、#FormatImgID_28# 碗装玉米糖衣*1,配方从万圣节商人处1糖果兑换。

Trick or Treat Bags or
Chef (125): 1 Chocolate Bar, 1 Strawberry, 1 Bowl of Candy Corn Glaze
Recipe purchased from Halloween vendor for 1 Candy Corn Cob

#FormatImgID_29# 玉米糖曲奇饼

Candy Corn Cookie

厨师175:#FormatImgID_30# 曲奇饼面团、#FormatImgID_31# 玉米糖块*25

Chef (175)
1 Ball of Cookie Dough
25 Pieces of Candy Corn

#FormatImgID_32# 玉米糖杏仁酥块

Piece of Candy Corn Almond Brittle

#FormatImgID_33# 捣蛋包、或者

厨师200:#FormatImgID_34# 袋装白糖*1、#FormatImgID_35# 杏仁*3、#FormatImgID_36# 玉米糖块*15

Trick or Treat Bags or
Chef (200): 1 Bag of Sugar, 3 Almond, 15 Pieces of Candy Corn
Recipe purchased from Halloween vendor for 1 Candy Corn Cob
Almonds can be brought from Lt.Pickins near [&BKcAAAA=] in Harathi Hinterlands

#FormatImgID_37# 糖衣雪梨挞

Glazed Pear Tart

#FormatImgID_38# 捣蛋包、或者

#FormatImgID_39# 袋装白糖*1、#FormatImgID_40# 面团*1、#FormatImgID_41# 雪梨*1、#FormatImgID_42# 碗装玉米糖衣*1

Trick or Treat Bags or
Chef (250): 1 Bag of Sugar, 1 Ball of Dough, 1 Pear, 1 Bowl of Candy Corn Glaze
Recipe purchased from Halloween vendor for 1 Candy Corn Cob

#FormatImgID_43# 糖衣南瓜馅饼

Glazed Pumpkin Pie

厨师225:#FormatImgID_44# 面团*1、#FormatImgID_45# 碗装南瓜馅饼填料*1、#FormatImgID_46# 碗装玉米糖衣*3

Chef (225): 1 Ball of Dough, 1 Bowl of Pumpkin Pie Filling, 3 Bowl of Candy Corn Glaze

#FormatImgID_47# 糖衣巧克力树莓曲奇饼

Glazed Chocolate Raspberry Cookie

厨师300:#FormatImgID_48# 巧克力棒*1、#FormatImgID_49# 树莓*1、#FormatImgID_50# 曲奇饼面团*1、#FormatImgID_51# 碗装玉米糖衣*2

Chef (300): 1 Chocolate Bar, 1 Raspberry, 1 Ball of Cookie Dough, 2 Bowl of Candy Corn Glaze

#FormatImgID_52# 糖衣蜜桃挞

Glazed Peach Tart

#FormatImgID_53# 捣蛋包、或者

#FormatImgID_54# 黄油棒*1、#FormatImgID_55# 面团*1、#FormatImgID_56# 蜜桃*1、#FormatImgID_57# 碗装玉米糖衣*2 (桃子: [&BB0CAAA=])

Trick or Treat Bags or
Chef (350): 1 Stick of Butter, 1 Ball of Dough, 1 Peach, 2 Bowl of Candy Corn Glaze
Peach can be purchased from Nrocroc Chief near [&BB0CAAA=] in Fireheart Rise
Recipe purchase from Halloween vendor for 2 Candy Corn Cob

#FormatImgID_58# 怪异莓幽灵

Omnomberry Ghost

厨师400:#FormatImgID_59# 怪异莓*1、#FormatImgID_60# #FormatImgID_61# 巧克力棒*1、#FormatImgID_62# 碗装玉米糖衣*1

Chef (400): 1 Omnomberry, 1 Chocolate Bar, 1 Bowl of Candy Corn Glaze

#FormatImgID_63# 辛辣南瓜曲奇饼

Spicy Pumpkin Cookie

#FormatImgID_64# 捣蛋包、或者

厨师400:#FormatImgID_65# 曲奇饼面团*1、#FormatImgID_66# 碗装南瓜馅饼填料*1、#FormatImgID_67# 断魂椒*1、#FormatImgID_68# 1碗装玉米糖衣 (配方在万圣节商人处用3玉米糖果棒兑换#FormatImgID_69# )

Trick or Treat Bags or
Chef (400): 1 Ball of Cookie Dough, 1 Bowl of Pumpkin Pie Filling, 1 Ghost Pepper, 3 Bowl of Candy Corn Glaze
Recipe purchased from Halloween vendor for 3 Candy Corn Cob


Bottle of Batwing Brew

#FormatImgID_71# 捣蛋包、或者

工艺400:#FormatImgID_72# 塑料尖牙*30、#FormatImgID_73# 玉米糖块*100、#FormatImgID_74# 强效血瓶*1、#FormatImgID_75# 熟化厚实皮革片*5(配方在万圣节商人处用5玉米糖果棒兑换#FormatImgID_76# )

Trick or Treat Bags or
Artificer (400): 30 Plastic Fangs, 100 Pieces of Candy Corn, 1 Vial of Potent Blood, 5 Cured Thick Leather Squares
Recipe purchased from Halloween vendor for 5 Candy Corn Cob


Lump of Crystallized Nougat

#FormatImgID_78# 捣蛋包

Trick or Treat Bags


Vial of Maize Balm

#FormatImgID_80# 捣蛋包、或者

工艺400:#FormatImgID_81# 牛轧糖心*5、#FormatImgID_82# 玉米糖块*100、#FormatImgID_83# 至纯裂片*1、#FormatImgID_84# 战粟颅骨*5(配方从为万圣节商人处用700个#FormatImgID_85# 牛轧糖心兑换)

Trick or Treat Bags or
Artificer (400): 5 Nougat Center, 100 Pieces of Candy Corn, 1 Empyreal Fragment, 5 Chattering Skull
Recipe purchased from Halloween vendor for 700 Nougat Centers


Sharpening Skull

#FormatImgID_87# 捣蛋包

Trick or Treat Bags


Flask of Pumpkin Oil

#FormatImgID_89# 捣蛋包

Trick or Treat Bags
