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Welcome to the Caldeum Arcopolis, 2103 AD. A city bought and sold a hundred times over, now giant Mega Corporations hold more sway in the ever-shifting politics of the world than governments. Down on the rain slicked streets, humans, mutants, machines and synthetics all struggle to find their place in the light of the neon glow beneath the towering monuments to capitalism lording over them.

With such oppression, the common people often turn to a life of crime. The leader of one of the largest gangs, the Azure Dragons, goes by the nickname, Chromie. Both a hacker and an anti-corporate street artist, many have said her work has an almost prophetic quality, as if she sees through time itself. The corporate media would have you believe she uses her gang of hackers to illegally ensure her prophecies become true, but lately her work has turned dark, as if she's seen a cataclysmic force on the horizon…

Recently, the Dragons have found an ally in the Onyx Turtles. While it's rare to see the gangs working together, as the noose of systemic oppression has grown tighter, those in the underbelly of the mega-city have had to find new ways to survive. Kharazimand his Turtles are a harder sort of stock than most, with many known gladiators and street fighters serving in the ranks. This new alliance has provided the Azure dragons a strong defense against threats in the physical world.

High above, the Jigoku Cybenetics Corporation, a primary manufacturer of mechanical augmentations, has become a target of both groups. In the mean streets, human enhancement has become one of the few options left to move the playing field more into the favor of those willing to bend the law. But their efforts have not gone unnoticed, and any who would dare to impugn the honor of Jigoku find themselves in the sights of the CyberOni, Jigoku's elite agents:merciless killers at the beck and call of their bureaucratic masters.


Make Contact with the Dragons:在胜场中占领8个雇佣兵营地

奖励:Azure Dragons Spray and 3 Day Boost

Meet the Azure Prophet:以近战或远程刺客获得2场胜利

奖励:Azure Dragon Chromie Portrait and a Caldeum Complex Loot Chest

Earn the Turtles' Trust:在胜场中贡献25000点经验

奖励:Onyx Turtles Spray and 250 Gold

Spar with Kharazim:以治疗者或支援型获得2场胜利

奖励:Onyx Turtle Kharazim Portrait and Cyberpunk Phrases Pack

Join the Tigers' Hunt:在胜场中击杀150个小兵

奖励:Ivory Tigers Spray and 250 Gold

Prove Your Valor to Johanna:以坦克或斗士获得2场胜利

奖励:Ivory Tiger Johanna Portrait and a Caldeum Complex Loot Chest

Take Down the CyberOni Butcher:在胜场中获得50次击杀

奖励:Jigoku Cybernetics Spray and Jigoku Cybernetics Butcher Portrait

Raid Jigoku Cybernetics Research Facility:在胜场中摧毁10个堡垒或要塞

奖励:Jigoku Cyber Oni Warboar and 500 Gold



