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Balance Changes in Path of Exile: Betrayal

Every release, we choose some specific gamebalance issues and gameplay limitations to address and adjust. The patch notestomorrow will provide the comprehensive list of changes but today we'd like tocover some specific changes and the reasons for them.


Stat Sticks

The use of "stat sticks" has beena feature of Path of Exile for a very long time.

A stat stick is an off-hand weapon that isnot valid to use with a skill you are using when dual wielding. You get all thebenefits of the stats on the weapon, while not having any limitations it mighthave affecting the use of the skill. You can use a weapon that has the attackspeed and/or damage you want for the skill, while the off-hand weapon providesexcellent stats without its speed or base damage limiting you.

This use started off as an interestinggameplay element to use as part of a build, but over many releases, as morepowerful modifiers on unique and rare weapons have been added, the power ofstat sticks cannot be ignored when planning builds and is stifling otherchoices including genuine dual-wielding.

In 3.5.0 we are removing the ability to usestat sticks, through the following changes:

You will no longer be able to use skillsthat require a specific weapon equipped if you are dual-wielding and one ofyour equipped weapons is unsuitable for that skill.

Skills that could be used with two weapons,but were main-hand-only when used, now use both weapons when dual wielding.

We found that with this change it wasimportant to make skillbinds specific to your weapon set. You can now have anentirely different set of skills bound to your main set of weapons and your secondset of weapons.





在3.5.0 我们通过这些改变,试图消弭功能型副手的增益




Energy Shield Recharge

Energy Shield Recharge is no longerinterrupted by non-damage changes to your Life or Energy Shield.

(For context, we announced last week thatEldritch Battery now causes you to have 50% less Energy Shield Recharge Rate.)

Initially this change was explored as a wayto make it easier for casters to use Eldritch Battery to solve mana issues. Onemajor issue standing in the way Eldritch Battery being effective is that itdoesn't work very well on it's own, needing something like Zealot's Oath to goalong with it.

While there were concerns that this mightintroduce issues with other builds, when tested it was a justified change andwas beneficial for a variety of cases.

As a further support for Eldritch Batteryand Energy-Shield-based builds in general, more flat Energy shield has beenadded on the tree.







Cap on slowing effects:

The total amount that you can slow theexpiration of an effect on a character through a time-slowing mechanism (suchas Temporal Chains) is now capped at 75% from all sources.

Time-slowing effects are very powerfuldefensive tools. Limiting time-slowing to a cap allows us more flexibility inmaking content, as well allowing us to provide more options for giving playerstime-slowing effects.





Unique rebalance

The patch-notes tomorrow will cover a largenumber of unique item rebalances. Some of these are simple numerical changes,while others are closer to redesigns.

The following principles were applied inlooking at rebalancing unique items:

Any item that drops very rarely should bejustified in being that hard-to-find. Many very rare items have been improved,while a few were made more common.

Unique items that are acquired throughspecific high-tier bosses (for example, Elder and Shaper Guardians) should bebalanced upwards where they were not up to par.

Unique items that dramatically affecteddiversity in an item slot would be addressed, either by nerfing excessivepower, or by looking at what else was available in that item slot.

Items which were relatively very strong,but did not damage diversity could be made more rare.

While many unique items were adjusted, thisis an ongoing process, and some items that may have deserved a change by theabove principles might not yet be addressed.









Cast on …

When looking at unique item balance, someitems that offered triggered effects had their cooldowns reduced. It wasdifficult to do this without also looking at other triggered effects. As aresult, the Cast on Critical Strike Support and Cast on Melee Kill Support willalso have their cooldowns reduced.




One of the approaches we use in patches indeveloping skills and making changes around some specific play styles. This iscentred around the concept of having some build archetypes. We make a specificbuild, and add features and balance changes around that build. While someplayers are expected to end up in the archetype, we also want the tools to beuseful in existing builds, and to allow and change other builds that shareelements with it.

The three archetypes for 3.5.0 were acold-based DOT spell caster, a Hierophant-based caster based on a new skilltype (Brands), and the Champion based melee character based on new Axe andSword "Steel" skills with a new effect Impale, supported by a newskill type, Banners.

The cold-based caster has led to the newskill Winter Orb, rework of Arctic Breath and Ice Spear and adjustments to IceNova and Vortex. This caster archetype has led to a number of changes on items,the passive tree, and the Occultist tree in particular. Added Cold Damage OverTime Multiplier and non-ailment Chaos Damage Over Time Multiplier is on newitem modifiers, on the passive tree and on the Occultist. The values on variouscold and chaos nodes were modified.

As well as the new Brand skills, thearchetype based on them has led to changes on the Hierophant, and also hadknock on effect for totems. A number of totem nodes now also offer benefits forBrands. The Hierophant node Ritual of Awakening no longer grants +1 to maximumnumber of Summoned Totems. Instead it now causes skills that would Summon aTotem to summon two Totems instead, and grants 3% more Damage per Totem.

Additional totems are now available fromother sources, and players will have a number of options for totem builds, aswell as being able to explore the new Brand skills.

The Champion now has a strong Impale basedway to play, and has had changes to support it. Tectonic Slam has been adjustedfor it, while Shattering Steel, Lancing Steel, War Banner and Dread Banner havebeen added as new skills.






升华“信念之诉”不再+1最大图腾数量,取而代之的是每次召唤的图腾数量X2,并且每个图腾造成3% 更多伤害。


冠军在下个版本穿刺机制下,会有很大的探索价值,也会有很多的改动来贴合这个机制。板块之击已经做出了调整,以及“钢之碎击”、“Lancing Steel”、两个战旗技能,这是增添的技能。

But what about Self-Casting?

In the last few days the community has beenvery keen for news for casters who don't rely on totems or triggers, which isoften referred to as self-casting.

Self-casting has not been a specific focusof the set of balance changes for 3.5.0, and we don't want to try rush infurther big changes without extensive testing.

Betrayal does include some changes forvarious things associated with self-casting. We have designed the new coldskills to be aimed at self-casters, for example.

We are sure you'll find interesting buildsand choices of many kinds in Betrayal. There are already some balance changesplanned and underway for 3.6.0. We expect to keep a good eye on gameplay duringBetrayal to see how our plans need adjustment, and to develop a picture of the balanceroadmap for next year.





